by Jongwon Jang
“… the orders for the COVID-19 diagnostic equipment are placed from more than 20 countries around the world… and the corresponded shipment confirmed in the first quarter exceeded $10 million USD…”. .
This was the statement of Sung-Woo Kim, the President of MiCo BioMed, which has been accumulating technologies in the fields comprising molecular diagnosis, biochemical diagnosis, and immuno-diagnosis that embrace the crisis of COVID-19 as a great opportunity. In particular, the promptness, accuracy, and relatively lower price of the technology based on molecular diagnostic platform, the ‘lap on a chip’, capable of diagnosing infectious diseases, finds its golden opportunity.
MiCo BioMed succeeded in the development of the COVID-19 diagnostic system last January when the new type of corona virus started propagating. The system targets the ORF3a, N genes of COVID-19, recommended by the WHO. In particular, the company elaborated on the molecular diagnostic system enabling it to confirm diagnosis of COVID-19 in one hour at airports, schools, hospitals, and frontline sites. The diagnosis of COVID-19 in the system developed by of MiCo BioMed comprises the following sequences: Extraction of Specimens (five minutes) Extraction of DNA from 'Veri-Q PREP M16' (five-30 minutes, one-16 samples) Grafting of the ‘COVID-19 Detection Kit’ on the Lap-Chip (five minutes) Amplification of ‘Veri-Q PCR 316’ Target and Reporting Results Thereof (35 minutes).
On the background behind the prompt diagnosis, there is a real-time PCR (Veri-Q PCR 316) based on the technology of ‘lap on a chip’ developed spontaneously by MiCo BioMed. MiCo BioMed secured the unique technology enabling the replacement of highly expensive silicon wafers with cheaper plastics and succeeded in the commercialization of the technology.
President Kim stated, “… we have set the goal to sell more than 1,000 equipment of MiCo BioMed to overseas buyers…”, “… we have already sold more than 200 equipment capable of extracting genes (Veri-Q PREP M16) and the equipment of PCR (Veri-Q PCR 316)…”. MiCo BioMed also provided the explanation on the negotiation of regular supply of exclusive equipment and products using exclusive reagents as well as the types of products of open-single and open-multiplex applicable to existing equipment that acquired the European Certification.
President Sung-Woo Kim of the MiCo Biomed emphasized that the event triggered by COVID-19 will be an opportunity for the company to take move forward and grow. The propagation of COVID-19 has brought about the ①opportunity for the company to be recognized as a company of a technology capable of prompt diagnosis by exploiting small exclusive equipment, ②and securing of global network wherein the propagation of platform technology and equipment can be accomplished, ③with the cash flow realized through the sales of equipment for the diagnosis of COVID-19.
President Kim stated, “… the event triggered by the outbreak of ‘COVID-19’ became the opportunity for the company to be spotlighted on the technology and equipment of MiCo Biomed in the global market. The export of the ‘Diagnostic Kit for COVID-19’ enabled us to secure sufficient financial power for the foundation of development of next technology…”.
President Kim explained, “… our strength lies in the strength against infectious diseases and prompt diagnosis at sites…“, “… we are covering disciplines of molecular diagnosis, biochemistry, and immuno-diagnosis that enable us to cope with characteristics of each market…”. He added, “… we intend to be a company providing total solutions capable of diagnosing at sites (POCT)…”